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Top Five Helpful Eloquence on Alert Reports

It’s an unfortunate reality that online retailers may be misrepresenting your title data on a regular basis. Book publishers who don’t regularly monitor their books in online retail could be losing out on potential sales, as well as marketing opportunities. Eloquence on Alert is the industry’s most advanced online retail compliance auditing platform. This advanced tool monitors your titles online for you, so you don’t have to! 

Eloquence on Alert contains some amazing features for book publishers and provides access to hard-to-obtain information from popular online retailers like Amazon, B&N, Bookshop.org, and more.

Let’s take some time to go over the top 5 Eloquence on Alert reports and why each is crucial for the success of your titles. 

1. Metadata Differences

Metadata errors are among the most common (and most frustrating) issues that publishers encounter when monitoring their titles. These errors can include differences in a book’s intended title, author, list price, and publication date—and these can create major headaches for publishers, affecting their relationship with consumers and authors, along with negatively affecting a book’s discoverability if not dealt with promptly. 

Eloquence on Alert provides regular reports informing publishers how many of their titles contain discrepancies in the Title, Author, List Price, and Publication Date fields, along with the percentage of their active catalog that these discrepancies are affecting.

The report displays the original metadata, along with any metadata that is showing up differently on specific retail sites. This proactive check helps ensure that readers will always see the most up-to-date information, which in turn helps build trust and drive consistent sales. 

2. Sales Rank

Sales rank is a dynamic metric that reflects how well a title is performing relative to others on a retailer’s platform. Monitoring these rankings is essential for publishers because it helps them gauge the effectiveness of marketing efforts and quickly identify any changes in consumer interest.

Eloquence on Alert provides regular updates on how titles rank on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The report displays the top three categories for the title, along with where they currently rank and any recent changes in rank that have occurred. This allows publishers to spot trends that signal changes in visibility or demand, and adjust their strategies accordingly, improving their overall product sales performance. 

3. Cover Image Differences

A cover image often informs a potential readers’ first impression of the book, making it a crucial marketing tool. Covers that are outdated, low quality, or missing can strongly misrepresent your title and potentially affect its sales. Sometimes, online retailers even make changes to your cover image without your knowledge. When you have hundreds (or even thousands) of titles, it can seem almost impossible to ensure all of your cover images are showing up correctly. 

Before Eloquence on Alert, there was no way to monitor these issues on a larger scale and navigating to each retail page individually can be a waste of publisher time and resources. The Cover Image Differences report can detect discrepancies, both small and large, between the publisher’s original cover and the covers that show up on retail sites.


4. Third Party Seller Wins

Third party sellers are common competitors in book publishing, often appearing alongside or even taking over the Buy Box on a publisher’s listings. It’s important for publishers to be monitoring if and when a third party takes the Buy Box, especially if it seems to be affecting sales.

The Third Party Seller Wins report from Eloquence on Alert shows instances where third-party sellers have claimed the Buy Box, providing additional detailed seller information including the name and retailer platform, which products they are selling, and how often they’re being sold. Publishers can track these sellers easily, sharing notes and research on the seller with their team, and can also choose to ignore the seller on future reports. 

5. Missing Buy Button

The buy button is, of course, critical to any online book listing. Missing buy buttons present a serious problem and prevent readers from purchasing your books. There are many reasons why this happens, but it can be difficult for publishers to know when buy buttons disappear and start impacting sales. 

Eloquence on Alert ensures that publishers are alerted when a buy button is absent from a listing. The Missing Buy Button report identifies the specific titles and retail sites affected, along with how many days the buy button has been missing. We cannot over-emphasize how crucial this is for publishers to track on a regular basis. 

These five reports are just a small sample of the full power of Eloquence on Alert. This advanced online retail compliance auditing tool offers you peace of mind and ensures that your titles are operating at full-strength.

Sign up for a demo to learn more about Eloquence on Alert! If you have questions about the product, reach out to joshua@firebrandtech.com