Title Management Enterprise Integration
Direct Entry via Title Management: Eloquence on Demand™ Edition
Direct From Your System to Ours
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Firebrand has provided a solid foundation to support the growth of our publishing operation. Before our implementation of Title Management, product information was spread throughout our organization. Title Management has centralized our product information, which has led to improved accuracy and communication across our company. Firebrand has also provided powerful tools for our marketing team, allowing us to communicate more effectively and efficiently with our trading partners through Eloquence. In addition to providing the infrastructure for our publishing and marketing operations, Firebrand provides solid support. Our team has been impressed by the Firebrand consultants; their knowledge of the publishing industry and understanding of the challenges companies like ours face gives them an ability to develop solutions that solve our business needs. Title Management, Eloquence and the support we have come to rely upon from the Firebrand team has played a key role in growing our product line and supporting our transition from print to digital.
Shannon DeProfio Vice President, Publishing, Goodheart-Willcox May 19, 2016